Your offline face
Whatever you need to know about Marketing
It may sound easy but not everything is online. Another mistake that so many people do is that they just rely on their online marketing stats which could not be regarded as sufficient. You still need to contact people and traditional ways of marketing are still applicable. Actually, when you talk directly to the people, the impact attained is higher. You can find their emotion as well as figure out their interests.
Despite the fact that the cyber environment is an extremely powerful tool nonetheless, don’t forget that it is just a tool and is not the sale. Another mistake is the confusion between marketing and selling. Marketing is just an announcement which attracts the attention of the people who would buy from you. In this regard, you should talk to people and have enough ability to sell. So, if you just want to seat in the office and run your ads online, this probably won’t be efficient. There are different ways to have off-line marketing. For instance, you can plan meetings, workshops, or shows. The other effective way is participating in fairs. Also, there are many fairs in the world each year. Your participation in fairs even for a visit will increase your chance of selling, develop your network, and give you a better understanding of the market.
You may plan a workshop or show to talk about your offer and find new customers. But before that, is better to plan it. You should have a “Pre-event” plan and “Post-event” plan.
Before you advertise for your workshop or rent a booth at a fair, there are some important steps that you have to take. First of all, you must specify your aim because mostly taking apart in a Workshop or fair will cost you. So, before spending any money it’s better to have a good plan. You need at least two months to plan and to advertise for your workshop. Therefore, do not plan anything for a short time period. If you want to rent a booth also you need to have some preparations so you need enough time to manage everything. Pre-event planning may include the following steps:
– Finding a proper location for your workshop.
– Designing all emails and automation pathways (you will learn it in the next part) which participants will receive.
– Designing the online ticket selling platform
– Design all online advertisements and printing flyers
– Finding and training your staff
– Preparing your content and designing what exactly you want to sell.
– Training your speech
– Your staff should call each of the participants to know if they really show up.
– Checking all you need and practicing all the procedures one day before the workshop.
After concluding the event, never leave a connection. Some people might have been more interested in your event and some may not be interested at all. Anyhow, you shall go back to them. The first group is your valuable customers and they should be taken care of like VIP. You should also keep connecting with the second group as they might become your future customers. The Post event plan may include:
– A thank you email
– Sending photos of the workshop
– Sending the social media addresses
– Asking if anyone wishes to participate in the affiliate program (you will learn in the next part)
– Sending a newsletter each month for recent updates
If you take part in fairs, you shall follow the same procedure, however, do not forget that you shall gather people’s information in the fair (You will learn more about networking in the next module).