The Art of talk, negotiation & body language
Whatever you need to know about Networking
Body language and how you talk has a direct impact on business success. Your negotiation skill is also very important as it will have a direct effect on the sale amount. So, take these parts very seriously and practice it as much as you can. On the other hand, negotiation is the unique art that you have to learn before you start to make any kind of sell pitch or you try to sell something to someone. It’s important that you understand who is this person in front of you and whether or not he/she is listening to you. So, before you start to do anything or you go to any meeting or sign any contract, it’s important to gather information about that person or that company as much as possible. Never go to any meeting without preparation.
If you have more information, it means that you have more self-confidence and you are able to plan everything in your mind ahead of that person. It doesn’t matter if it’s a meeting if you want to present your company or yourself in a trade show or a networking event, anyhow you have to prepare an introduction for your company which called “Audio Logo”. If someone asked you about what you do and you just say I’m a lawyer, then it will not make you stand out of the crowd. However, if you say it differently, it will make you more prominent. Here is a simple formula you can use to present yourself:
Your Territory + Qualifier + Expert Label + Target market
(e.g. Europe’s certified lawyer for IT Enterprises)
The second rule is to understand a bit about body language. 80% is the body language when it comes to communicating with the others while 20% is what you say. It doesn’t mean that what you say is not important but the thing that ought to be understood is the fact that your body language, your movements, gestures, cloth, and other factors build trust, therefore, they are crucial. It has a direct impact on people’s mind as well as their decision making.
You visit card is also important. Try to print very high quality and expensive ones. Do not print 1000s and cheap, print less but the best quality and innovative design. There are different rules in the negotiation that you have to take care of. First of all, before you start negotiating on a meeting, try to sketch it out in your head and also reflect upon the best scenario, worst scenario as well as the most possible scenarios. For example, if you offer products or services for $100 and the customer doesn’t buy it, what is your next scenario? Should you give some promotion? Or maybe a discount? What is the worst scenario when you are selling something without probably any benefit but you just want to sell it or you sell it just with very low benefits?
Always start with the most possible benefit that you’re asking for. If the sale happens, is good for you. if not, then you’ll go to the next scenario. Furthermore, if you wish to participate in any kind of negotiation then it would be best to prepare well before the meeting. The other important thing in the negotiation skills is avoiding any kind of misdirection in the negotiation. It is also possible that you start negotiating and then other distracting conversations may overcome the negotiation. Therefore, it is best to be direct and try to understand the person besides reading their mind that would eventually allow you to sell effectively.
Another most important phenomenon to consider is that ego and greed are not your friends. Hence, it would be best not to take your ego and greed with you as it will really ruin all the sales benefits as well as the negotiation skill.