Business Coaching by Soroush Sameti


Whatever you need to know about Back-office Fulfillment or delivery of what you promised is the most important part of the business. If you do the marketing very perfectly you have to deliver what you promised. In addition, if there’s any lack point in the Fulfillment you will lose the
Business Coaching by Soroush Sameti


Whatever you need to know about Back-office Your company must have a good structure and by this, we mean optimizing the structure in which all parts of the company work in harmony. Consequently, it will bring you at first the maximum revenue and secondly, it will help in reducing your
Business Coaching by Soroush Sameti


Whatever you need to know about Back-office One of the biggest mistakes that some entrepreneurs make is that they just focus on their marketing and sale systems. Even though you should have an optimized marketing system, your fulfillment or back-office also needs to be organized that also has a good