Sea Clarity & Weather Condition
Whatever you need to know about the market
Sea Clarity is about the different factors you may have in your business and you are unable to control or resolve them. For example, if you open a restaurant the risks may be: you cannot prepare a fresh ingredient, your staff gets sick and you cannot offer good service, food not cooked well or burns. You may be able to have some solutions for some of these risk factors. In some markets like the Stock exchange, there are many risk factor which is not possible to control. As the risk factor increases, the water lost its clarity and you have to have more skills to go fishing. If you think about the risk factors before you start, you would face lesser challenges than expected.
Weather Condition:
Sometimes the weather is nice to go fishing but other times you should wait for a sunny day. Similarly, in business, you may think about the best market to enter but on the other hand, there might be arising turbulence and the best option for you might be to wait. The economic issues or the unstable situation of the market is not appealing for the new business. Let us have an easier example. Imagine that you want to open an ice cream parlor. You may buy or rent a place, decorate it, equipt it, and educate your staff. If you do not plan all of these procedures in advance and your opening would be in winter, then you may not end up having many customers as you expected and your costs would also be running. So, you may come to a false conclusion about your business. So this is important to know about the high seasons and low seasons of your business.