Back office
Whatever you need to know about Back-office
Your staff in the back office are considered as the backbone of your company because they take care of your customers, to-do lists and your financials. You may not have a daily need for a special position. For instance, if you don’t have to update your website each day, you can outsource these needs to the other companies which they offer IT services. It means that instead of employing one person who has one job to do in a week and you pay a fixed salary that increases your cost, you can sign a contract with a company which its job is to take care of 200 different companies website and pay much less to that company to take care of your website as well. Outsourcing will also reduce the number of employees and eventually improve your functioning. In addition to that, if you employ more people, you probably would need extra space in the office for accompanying the newly recruited staff. Therefore, if you outsource to companies, then you would save all of these costs. Another method to adopt is via hiring freelancers for the desired jobs. For example, you can hire freelancers to make presentations, texts translations and so on. Outsourcing to the third party and using Freelancers are two ways that decrease your cost so much especially if you are a startup. As an entrepreneur, it’s also very important that you keep your company as small as possible. Do not try to employ many people that they have parallel jobs. As we mentioned before each person that you employ should have a direct impact on your Revenue. So, try to keep it simple and small but profitable.